Br. B. Aruldass, the Provincial Minister opened the Zimbabwe Mission and sent the first batch of three Friars to Bulawayo.
We blessed another Friary at Fatima Mission in the Diocese of Hwange in Zimbabwe.
Our lady queen of peace,zimbabwe (archdiocese of bulawayo)
On January 1st 1990 our new friary was blessed and our Friars took their residence there. The Parish of Entumbane is entrusted to our Province by the Archbishop of Bulawayo. It will remain a Capuchin Parish. The Friars there minster to one substation.
Our lady of fattima mission,zimbabwe, matsheumhlophe (diocese of hwange)
On March 1990, Fatima Mission in Zimbabwe was officially accepted. Our Friars stay there and cater for the spiritual needs of people living in fifteen substations.
St. Francis friary,zimbabwe (archdiocese of bulawayo)
Founded on 1st of September 1997. As the fourth foundation in Zimbabwe. It is the Custody House and the Friars there accompany young Brothers in their early stages of formation.
St. Francis of assisi, zimunya zimbabwe (diocese of mutare)
Founded in 1998. Zimunya is one of the six township in Mutare. The Friars there cater for the spiritual needs of the people living in fifteen substations.
St. Francis of assisi manyoni, zimbabwe (diocese of gokwe)
Established in 1999. Our Friars cater for the spiritual needs of fifteen substations and two schools.
The Zimbabwe delegation became a Custody dedicated to St. Padre Pio. Br. Jeyaraj was the first Regular Superior.
The Election Chapter of St. Padre Pio Custody elected Br. Ravi Irudayanathan as Regular Superior. Brs. Amirtharaj and R.I. Mariadass were the Councillors.
The Election chapter of St. Padre Pio Custody, Zimbabwe elected Br. Kevin Gregory Gonsalvez as Regular Superior. Br. T. Lawrence and Br. John Sudhaharan were the Councillors.
The Election Chapter of the Custody of Zimbabwe took place at St. Francis Capuchin Friary, Bulawayo. Friars T. Lawrence (Regular Superior), Peter and John Sudhaharan got elected to the Custody Council.
St. Patricks friary, harare zimbabwe (archdiocese of bulawayo)
Established in 2015 St. Patrick’s is a rented House that caters for philosophy students studying at the Regional Diocesan Seminary. It also serves as the hub for Friars travelling in and out of the country and doing business in the Capital city Harare.
St. Pade pio, emakhandent, zimbabwe
Once a substation of Our Lady Queen of Peace, St. Padre Pio was established in 2017. The friars there cater for the spiritual needs of the people.
Feb 9
(Feb 9) Fr. Herbert Banda became the Custody Superior of Zimbabwe.
(January) The Friars of Zimbabwe inaugurated St. Padre Pio Secondary School at Gutaurare, Mutare.
Nov-Dec: Two Friars from the Province of Eritrea Brs Daniel Beraki and Gebriel Bate arrive in Zimbabwe for fraternal collaboration.
Feb 5
(Feb 5) The Custody Chapter of Zimbabwe elected Br. Joseph Mawedze as Custos of the Custody. The Councilors were Br. Jeyaraj and Br. Takawira Todzayi.
March St. Padre Pio Gutaurare, Mutare was established as a community. Br. Itayi Mangenda became the pioneer and involved in construction and administration of St. Padre Pio Secondary School.
17 Oct
(17 Oct) Br. Talent Nyarungwe is ordained a priest: the 10th local Friar to be ordained a Priest.